domenica 30 gennaio 2011

Ricetta - Crema di Funghi selvatici

Una idea calda per la cena di oggi....

Tutto il giorno che piove, fuori fa molto freddo e mi è venuta voglia di un bell piatto "fumante" e perche non una crema?

Ecco la mia ricetta per stasera:

Ingredienti per 2 persone: • 1 cucchiaio di olio d’oliva • 15 gr di burro • 450 gr di funghi prataioli a fettine • 2 scalogni, tritati finemente • uno spicchio d’aglio, schiacciato • 1 cucchiaino di foglie di timo • 2 fette di porcini essiccati, ammorbiditi in 210 ml di acqua tiepida • 1 litro di brodo di pollo o di verdure • 40 gr  di crème fraîche o panna. Sandwich di formaggio di capra e salvia • un cucchiaino di olio d’oliva • 8 foglie di salvia • 80 gr di formaggio di capra fresco morbido • 4 fette spesse di pancarrè bianco, imburrate.


crema di funghi selvatici


Scaldate l’olio e il burro in una casseruola capace e a fondo spesso posta su fuoco medio, aggiungete i funghi e cuocete per 10 minuti, fino a che il liquido sarà evaporato e i funghi cominceranno a caramellare. Aggiungete gli scalogni, l’aglio e il timo, e fate cuocere a fuoco basso per 3 minuti, fino a far ammorbidire gli scalogni. Unite i porcini con la loro acqua, quindi il brodo e portate a ebollizione.
Lasciate sobbollire per 10 minuti. Lasciate raffreddare la zuppa 5 minuti, quindi riducetela in crema nel frullatore, in modo che risulti liscia. Condite con sale e pepe e rimettetela nella casseruola. Aggiungete la crème fraîche, mescolate e scaldatela a fuoco medio. Per preparare i sandwich, scaldate l’olio d’oliva in una padella posta su fuoco medio-basso e friggete le foglie di salvia fino a che saranno belle croccanti.
Spalmate il formaggio di capra sul lato non imburrato di quattro fette di pane, ponete sopra a ognuna 4 foglie di salvia, quindi coprite con le restanti fette di pane, con il lato imburrato rivolto verso l’esterno. Scaldate una padella a fuoco medio e cuocete i sandwich per 2 minuti su entrambi i lati, fino a che diventano croccanti, quindi tagliateli a metà. Serviteli con la zuppa in tazza.

credits: Alastair Hendy

MR PORTER - opening soon

Ieri ho ricevuto l'invito di Mr porter - il nuovo sito di net-a-porter ma ovviamente dedicato agli uomini!!!

 Finalmente potrò comprare i regali per il mio da casa!!! veramente una buona notizia!!

They would like to invite you to become a MR PORTER Founding Member.

Founding Membership brings many exclusive benefits, numbers are limited, so visit now to register.

sabato 29 gennaio 2011

The Perfect Present - Valentine's Day

ETRO - Hammered gold plated cuff (€220,00)                                   



Discover many ways to say I love you with exquisite lingerie, fabulous shoes, and those all-important ‘can’t go wrong’ gifts, there’s something to set every heart racing on February 14:




Christian Louboutin 
Christian Louboutin - Pigalle denim pumps (€695,00)                       

Bottega Veneta 
Bottega Veneta - Intrecciato nappa leather iPad case (€390,00)               

Perfect for the summer:

Gucci - Straw Trilby (€193.09)                                        




Smythson - Established in 1887 by entrepreneur Frank Smythson, Smythson of Bond Street has long been one of the UK's most revered luxury leather goods and stationery labels. Since the invention of its signature blue Featherweight paper in 1908, the brand has continued to court an elite clientele with its unfailing attention to detail and quality craftsmanship. We love its smart leather accessories and quirky printed notelets...

Smythson - Wedding planner leather notebook (€49,00)                          

Yves Saint Laurent 
Yves Saint Laurent - leopard print wool and cashmere blend scarf (€695)

Chan Luu 
Chan Luu - Sterling silver and aventurine leather wrap bracelet (€187.06)

Stella McCartney 
Stella McCartney - Isabelle daydreaming (€163,00)                                   

venerdì 28 gennaio 2011

In Florence stands one of the world’s oldest pharmacies: Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella

                                                                                                                                    Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella was established in 1221 by Dominican monks who cultivated medicinal herbs in their gardens and used them to prepare balms, ointments and pomades for their convent’s infirmary. In 1612 Fra Angiolo Marchissi opened the pharmacy to the public and shortly after the Granduke of Tuscany bestowed upon it the title of His Royal Highness’ Foundry (Fonderia di Sua Altezza Reale). In the 18th century fame of the products and formulas developed by the apothecary fathers reached as far as Russia, the Indies and China. In 1866, after state confiscation of church assets, management of the enterprise passed for the first time to a layman, Cesare Augusto Stefani, nephew of the last monastic director. Today the highest quality raw materials are still used and the founding fathers’ artisanal methods are still followed.

Products I love:
( you cant leaving florence without)                                                                                                                                                   Pasta di Mandorle   -   50mL Article number 7011302

An emollient and nourishing almond scented cream. Rich in vegetable fats, it is particularly recommended for very dry skin.
To use: apply in the evening and rub in thoroughly until completely absorbed. For an intensive, restoring treatment apply a generous amount and live it on wearing cotton gloves. 
Sapone latte
1 soap Article number 7011508
Box 3 soaps Article number 7011527

A traditional base of vegetable oils enriched with whole milk which moisturizes and softens.
Available unscentedand scented: Gardenia, Garofano, Gelsomino, Iris, Rosa, Verbena, Violetta.  

Olio di mandorle dolci100mL Article number 85711

Known for its delicacy and used in cosmetics for centuries, sweet almond oil is made from  pressed sweet almonds.
It is rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins that leave the skin silky and hydrated.
Recommended for all skin types.

Vapori balsamici100mL Codice prodotto 85404

A mixture of balsamic oils for a refreshing and tonic bath and as an air freshener and air purifier for rooms.


mercoledì 26 gennaio 2011

Creme caramel - ricetta della mia mamma

Crème Caramel

Ingredienti per 6 persone: • 1 confezione ( scatolla) di latte concentrato zuccherato piu o meno 400gr • 600 ml di latte  • 3 uova intere • 1 tuorli d’uovo • un cucchiaino di estratto di vaniglia e poi zucchero per fare il caramello.

Riscaldate il forno a 160°. In un tegame a fondo pesante versate 150 gr di zucchero con 2 cucchiai d’acqua, e fate sciogliere a calore moderato. Continuate a cuocere fino a ottenere un caramello dorato, facendo attenzione che non scurisca troppo e non bruci, quindi versatelo in una pirofila da 600 ml.

Sbattete leggermente le uova e il tuorlo con l’estratto di vaniglia aggiungete il latte zucherato e il late.  Mescolare il tutto vigorosamente. Versate il composto nella teglia, sopra al caramello. Con molta cautela, collocate il recipiente in una teglia più ampia e profonda riempita con acqua , fino ad arrivare alla metà del recipiente contenente il crème caramel. Cuocete in forno per 40 minuti, o fino a che risulterà sodo ma non del tutto rappreso al centro. Lasciate raffreddare e poi mettete in frigorifero per una notte. Staccate i bordi del budino aiutandovi con un coltello a lama flessibile, mettete un piatto largo e fondo (calcolate che dovrà raccogliere un fiume di caramello) sulla teglia e capovolgetela, facendo uscire il dolce dallo stampo. Ecco pronto il vostro crème caramel.  


Cupcakes - ricetta

Ricetta base:

150gr. di burro a temperatura ambiente | 200gr. di zucchero | 2 uova grandi | 1 cucchiaino di estratto di vaniglia | scorza grattugiata di un limone | 1 pizzico di sale | 2 cucchiaini di lievito per dolci | 450gr. di farina 00 | 220ml. di latte


  1. Si monta il burro con lo zucchero, quando il composto risulta spumoso si aggiungono le uova, la scorza di limone, la vaniglia, il sale ed infine in più riprese la farina setacciata con il lievito alternata al latte.

  2. Si ottiene così un composto meraviglioso, soffice ma consistente allo stesso tempo, sembra un crema.

  3. A questo punto si riempiono i pirottini quasi fino all’orlo e si trasferiscono in forno già caldo a 180 C° per 10-15 minuti, devono risultare cotti ma non devono colorirsi troppo.

  4. Si sfornano e si lasciano raffreddare. Una volta freddi si procede alla decorazione prescelta.


lunedì 24 gennaio 2011

Travel Guide - Berlin

Fra 1 settimana andro a Berlino e come succede sempre prima dei miei viaggi...inizio le ricerche

Ecco cosa ho trovato per ora a Berlino:

Brandenburg Gate at Night

Where to buy il cioccolato:
  • Erich Hamann -
    This family-run exquisite chocolate shop has remained unchanged since 1928, distinguished in its true Bauhaus design.
    The chocolate is superb, especially if you’re one of those true chocolate aficionados who thinks that milk chocolate is watered down nonsense. Well, they don’t make milk-chocolate.
    Hamann is famous for their rich, dark delights. The real McCoy! Sample their pralines filled with marzipan, ginger, nuts or fruits, or for the devout old fashioned types: the pure plain chocolate bars.
    Brandenburgische strasse 17


    Leysieffer has been concocting irresistible chocolates since 1909, and its champagne truffles, nougat, dark chocolates and other temptations are all well displayed at this busy flagship store.
    Fassbender&Rausch -
    Here chocolate lovers experience for the first time tempting delicacies prepared with high quality cocoa and the best chocolate.
    In 1863 Heinrich Fassbender began to make Berlin’s finest chocolates and truffles in Mohrenstrasse 10, close to the Gendarmenmarkt. On account of his wonderful creations the Royal Court chose him as their supplier.
    Some years later, in 1890, Wilhelm Rausch opened his first confectionery where he too was making very fine chocolates, pralines and truffles of the highest quality.
    In 1999 the talents of the two families joined company and the result was Fassbender & Rausch Chocolatiers at the Gendamenmarkt.  address: Charlottestrasse 60

    Where to stay:

    Hotel de Rome - Rocco Forte's Hotel de Rome opened in the heart of Berlin in October 2006.

    Hotel de Rome is located on Bebelplatz, off Unter den Linden. It is a conversion of an existing building constructed in 1889 by architect Ludwig Heim (appointed master builder of the government), which housed the head office of Dresdner Bank until 1945. This is one of the few luxury hotels in Berlin located in an original building making use of its full architectural splendour and thereby offering guests an authentic Berlin experience.
    The ornate and classical design of the original building has been given a contemporary twist by designer Tommaso Ziffer, who also designed the Hotel de Russie in Rome. Tommaso Ziffer has been assisted by architects Aukett + Heese with Olga Polizzi and her design team at The Rocco Forte Collection. Behrenstrasse 37, 10117 Berlin(00 49 30 460 6090)
    Berlin's architectural gem

    Schlosshotel - In a quiet park surrounded by woods, the 54-room Schlosshotel is more intimate than either the Adlon or the Kempinski. Built as a home for the Kaiser's lawyer in 1914, the hotel's closed cobbled forecourt provides reserved parking for a handful of Ferraris. The interior design carries Karl Lagerfeld's signature - the German-born fashion designer chose everything from the dramatic, brocaded entrance hall to the cups and saucers used for serving tea. The Vivaldi Restaurant decor is fabulous and has exquisite menus. The city centre is a 30-minute taxi ride away and it is only a five-minute walk to the Grunewald forest. For regular guests, such as Leonardo di Caprio and Sean Connery, the hotel's location means that it can be sealed off from even the most ardent fans.  Brahmsstrasse 10, 14193 Berlin(00 49 30 8958 40)
    Hotel Adlon Kempinski - This glamorous dame has had some hard knocks, but she still turns heads. The hotel was bombed in the war and only restored to its former glory in 1997. The clientele is star-studded - Charlie Chaplin nearly lost his trousers in a scrum of fans in the foyer; Greta Garbo came here when she wanted to be alone. The intimate Lorenz Adlon restaurant has won a Michelin star for its fine French food; the Quarré restaurant brings a light cosmopolitan touch to some familiar Central European staples. If you prefer a quieter snack, the lobby bar serves up a delicious Wiener schnitzel.  Unter den Linden 77, 10117 Berlin(00 49 30 22610)

venerdì 21 gennaio 2011

boutique on line di Hermès

Finalmente anche l'Italia puo ora conttare con Hermes shop online - era gia molto atteso da settembre 2010 e poi rimandato a 2011.

il sito è bellissimo e ti da la possibilita di acquistare non solo foulard, cinture e gioielli ma anche regali per neonati, pareo per il mare e tante cose per la casa.

Ma ovviamente per la birkin e per la Kelly solo andando in negozio!! un servizio davvero speciale!

mercoledì 19 gennaio 2011

second part - Florence Guide: SHOPPING!!!!!

Where to Shop:


31/33 via del Parione, Florence (00 39 055 215 722; Bisonte's famous leather bags originate in Florence, in 1970 the first shop was established at Via del Parione. Workmanship is of the highest quality, the leather is unbelievably soft and long-lasting. Buy suitcases, handbags, briefcases and accessories.

2 via Tornabuoni, Florence (00 39 055 33601; You can't visit Florence without visiting the fashion house's flagship store, housed in Palazzo Spini Feroni, which has also been home to the Ferragamo Museum since 1995.

Via degli Strozzi, 1-red  Florence - (00 39 055 212305; THE FENDI BAG is also transformed, offering new rules governing elegance and practicality, innovation and style. The answer to rigid handbags is the innovative creation of soft, unstructured bags. The leather is printed, woven, dyed and tanned to make it more soft and attractive and so begins the journey of a new generation of FENDI bags. The success of furs and bags leads to the need to offer a complete image of the FENDI style.


59r via di Parione, Florence (00 39 055 284 977; Opened in 1912, Assunta Anichini is the oldest children's clothing store in Florence. It sells beautifully-made clothes for newborns to ten or twelve year olds, from christening robes and bridesmaid dresses to sailor suits and pretty party dresses. Buy something made in-house under Anichini's own label; although expensive, it's worth it as all its embroidery and smocking is done painstakingly by hand.

5r Lungarno Torrigiani, Florence (00 39 055 24 667 03; Opened in 2006 by Federica Ghisi - Inside, tailored made apparel with simple and cleaned lines for those who still want to dress their children with taste and refinement away from that image of small adults that the fashion world for children offers more and more.

47r via del Parione, Florence (00 39 055 290425; Vintage collector Ferraro has his own space in Selfridges in London - his 1980s pieces by Alaïa, Thierry Mugler and Claude Montana get snapped up - but his flamboyant flagship is better, and it also sells menswear and furniture.

20-22 via Tornabuoni, Florence (00 39 055 265 8082; The dazzling white-and-silver interior of Pucci's boutique sets the stage for the fabulously psychedelic fabrics.

48 via Tornabuoni, Florence (00 39 055 219 041; Just across the road from Prada (see below), Armani's gorgeous shop, designed by Claudio Silvestrin, opened earlier this year, with sand-coloured stone walls and ebony furniture.

4r piazza Antinori, Florence (00 39 055 213668; Reputed for its linens, the label is also sought-after for its bespoke pyjamas with hand-embroidered initials. Check out the 14th-century palazzo, the frescoed ceilings and traditional ambience.

19-21 via Roma, Florence (00 39 055 906 4116; Reopened in June 2008, this shop (and sister boutique on via Silvio Pellico) sells all the fashion-forward labels: clothes by Gareth Pugh and Giambattista Valli, jewellery by Tom Binns, bags by Michael Teperson and shoes by Nicholas Kirkwood.

8 via Roma, Florence (00 39 055 267 471; The Miu Miu store in Florence is located on the ground floor of the Hotel Savoy ... chic things that are available there; shoes and accessories of the fashion house are placed at the center of the boutique on huge benches of glass and damask, with an apparently casual construction, with a chic and extremely feminine mood.

53 via Tornabuoni, Florence (00 39 055 267 471; This is Prada's second shop on via Tornabuoni. The remodelled 19th-century interior is entirely devoted to the women's collection.

24r via Tornabuoni, Florence (00 39 055 2645521; Discover the French luxury fashion house of CÉLINE and the latest collections of ready-to-wear, leather bags, handbags, fashion shoes and accessories.

83r via Tornabuoni, Florence (00 39 055 239 6226; Cavalli's first solo shop in Florence opened on the site of Caffe Giacosa, a city landmark where the Negroni cocktail was invented. Cavalli relaunched the café two doors away on via della Vigna Nuova.


14 via de' Bardi, Florence (00 39 055 234 1187; As well as perennial favourite Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella on via della Scala (see below), Lorenzo Villoresi creates personalised scents for clients in his beautiful 15th-century palazzo. Make an appointment to have something tailor-made, or simply buy one of his lemon verbena room fragrances.

16 via della Scala, Florence (00 39 055 216 276; This has been a pharmacy for over 300 years but was once a rococo chapel. You can buy alchemical lotions and potions beneath a pink-and-indigo ceiling decorated with gilded griffins.


11ct viale Ludovico Ariosto, Florence (00 39 055 230411; Renowned for fabulous silverware, this is where chic Florentines buy christening gifts. Everything is handcrafted in-house, so even the most elaborate special orders are possible.

17 Via dei Bardi Florence (00 39 055 234 2862; Il Torchio sells beautiful hand-made, decorative paper, in the form of boxes, albums, stationery and other items. A great place to hunt for imaginative gifts.

13-14r piazza della Signoria, Florence (00 39 055 284655; The Florentine equivalent of Smythson, except it has been going even longer (since 1774) and is rumoured to provide the Pope with his customised writing paper. Notecards come in a rainbow array of pastel shades.

lunedì 17 gennaio 2011

Moncler gamme bleu

Moncler Gamme Bleu. by Thom Browne


Golden Globe awards -


Angelina Jolie di Atelier Versace

Emma Stone - Calvin Klein

Sandra Bullock di Jenny Packham

Leighton Meester di Burberry Prorsum

Anne Hathaway -  Armani Privé

secondo me il Top 5 del Golden Globe - ma non esattamento in ordine

Roberto Cavalli A/W 2011/12 Menswear Show Milan

Roberto Cavalli's inimitable brand of seventies inspired rock chic took on a more subtle tone this season. As the Jim Morrison-esque models strutted down the catwalk we saw sharp tailored suits in softer tones, the signature animalier prints reduced to silk foulards tied elegantly round the neck. The long over coats and fedora hats added a more austere feeling to Tony Ward's multiple exits but there were always little flashes of fur to keep us all aware of the true essence of the Italian houses legendary glam style.

by Luisaviaroma

Gareth Pugh - new video

2 super video:

  •  il primo nella Chiesa Orsanmichele in centro a Firenze

The church looked amazing in candlelight, with 360° views of the city outside, guests watched the video projected onto the ceiling.

  • il secondo - Pitti 2011

venerdì 14 gennaio 2011

Olivia Palermo

Olivia Palermo
Olivia Palermo di Ana braitbach contenente beaded chandelier shades

Almost Total Black